"Coimbatore Chapter was launched on 01 May 2014 under TNAPTS Zone and its current membership strength is 7 FCP/CP members, 136 Patron members,".
Coimbatore Chapter has contributed immensely towards JITO objectives and ensuring benefits of all JITO’s projects reach to all members of Community. The current leadership, comprising of Chapter Chairman Shri Rakesh Mehta and Chapter Chief Secretary Shri Rajesh Bohra, with great support from all Chapter members and its Ladies & Youth Wing team have been instrumental in the phenomenal growth of the Chapter.The Chapter has continued its growth trajectory with every Chapter committee through their unique vision and ideas.
JITO Coimbatore Vision 2022-2024
1) Thou Shall Not Be Deprived of Medicine.
* A Signature medical project to benefit the Coimbatoreans in general and Jain Community in particular.
2) Thou Shall Increase In Size.
* 200 Patron Members, 25 plus Chief Patron Members.
3) Thou Shall Love And Be Loved.
* Increasing the bonding of members through various activities and removing the negativity surrounding JITO and it’s activities. Our target is 100% involved members.
4) Thou Shall Become Richer.
* Increase the business of members by 2X at least. A coalition of business men to invest in new age businesses.
5) Thou Shall Become Famous.
* Increase the visibility of JITO Coimbatore members nation wide and worldwide by organising family tours and business tours.
6) Thou Shall Have One Stop Solution.
* To work on a fully functional JITO Office in Coimbatore. Anybody can access the office to understand JITO, benefits of minority, matrimonial related queries, membership queries, business opportunities etc.
7) Thou Shall Have Proper Shelter.
* Fully Functional JITO Hostel.
8) Thou Shall Play The Olympics.
* Promoting sports so that JITO members from Coimbatore represent National and International Sporting events.
9) Thou Shall Be A Super Star.
* Emphasis on learning a new talent every year. Will also emphasize on health and fitness.
10) Thou Shall Give Back Smilingly.
* Encourage members to donate generously and benefit the needy.
Chapter Email ID: office@jitocoimbatore.org / coimbatorechapter@jito.org